Composition Over Inheritance: A Powerful Design Principle

Composition Over Inheritance: A Powerful Design Principle


4 min read

Introduction: In the world of Android app development using Kotlin, choosing the right design principle is crucial for creating maintainable and scalable code. One such principle that has gained popularity is "Composition over Inheritance." This principle encourages developers to favor composition, which involves building complex objects by combining simpler ones, over inheritance, which involves inheriting properties and behaviors from existing classes. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of using composition over inheritance in Android Kotlin development, along with practical examples and code snippets to illustrate its effectiveness.

  1. Flexibility and Extensibility: Composition allows for greater flexibility and extensibility in code. By using composition, we can create loosely coupled components that can be easily modified or replaced without affecting the entire codebase. This promotes code reusability and makes it easier to adapt to changing requirements. In contrast, inheritance can lead to tight coupling, making it harder to modify or extend existing classes without affecting their subclasses.

Example: Consider a scenario where we have a base class called Vehicle with subclasses Car and Motorcycle. Instead of using inheritance to define the behavior of a Car or Motorcycle, we can use composition to create separate classes for features like Engine, Wheels, and FuelTank. Let's see how this can be implemented in Kotlin:

class Engine {
    // Engine implementation

class Wheels {
    // Wheels implementation

class FuelTank {
    // FuelTank implementation

class Car(private val engine: Engine, private val wheels: Wheels, private val fuelTank: FuelTank) {
    // Car implementation using the composed components

class Motorcycle(private val engine: Engine, private val wheels: Wheels, private val fuelTank: FuelTank) {
    // Motorcycle implementation using the composed components

In this example, the Car and Motorcycle classes are composed of separate components (Engine, Wheels, and FuelTank). This allows us to modify or extend the behavior of a specific feature without impacting the entire class hierarchy.

  1. Reduced Complexity and Improved Readability: Inheritance hierarchies can quickly become complex and difficult to understand, especially as the number of subclasses increases. Composition, on the other hand, promotes a more modular approach, where each component has a clear responsibility. This leads to code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain.

Example: Let's say we have a class hierarchy for different types of animals, with Animal as the base class and subclasses like Dog, Cat, and Bird. Instead of using inheritance to define the behavior of each animal, we can use composition to create separate classes for features like Legs, Eyes, and Ears. Here's an example of how this can be implemented in Kotlin:

class Legs {
    // Legs implementation

class Eyes {
    // Eyes implementation

class Ears {
    // Ears implementation

class Animal(private val legs: Legs, private val eyes: Eyes, private val ears: Ears) {
    // Animal implementation using the composed components

class Dog(legs: Legs, eyes: Eyes, ears: Ears) : Animal(legs, eyes, ears) {
    // Dog-specific implementation

class Cat(legs: Legs, eyes: Eyes, ears: Ears) : Animal(legs, eyes, ears) {
    // Cat-specific implementation

class Bird(legs: Legs, eyes: Eyes, ears: Ears) : Animal(legs, eyes, ears) {
    // Bird-specific implementation

In this example, each animal class (Dog, Cat, and Bird) is composed of separate components (Legs, Eyes, and Ears). This modular approach improves code readability and makes it easier to reason about the behavior of each animal.

  1. Improved Testability: Composition promotes better testability by allowing us to easily mock or replace individual components during unit testing. With inheritance, testing becomes more challenging as changes in the base class can affect the behavior of all its subclasses. By using composition, we can isolate and test individual components independently, leading to more reliable and maintainable tests.

Example: Suppose we have a class hierarchy for different types of payment methods, with PaymentMethod as the base class and subclasses like CreditCard and PayPal. Instead of relying on inheritance to define the behavior of each payment method, we can use composition to create separate classes for features like PaymentGateway and Authentication. Here's an example of how this can be implemented in Kotlin:

class PaymentGateway {
    // PaymentGateway implementation

class Authentication {
    // Authentication implementation

class PaymentMethod(private val paymentGateway: PaymentGateway, private val authentication: Authentication) {
    // PaymentMethod implementation using the composed components

class CreditCard(paymentGateway: PaymentGateway, authentication: Authentication) :
    PaymentMethod(paymentGateway, authentication) {
    // CreditCard-specific implementation

class PayPal(paymentGateway: PaymentGateway, authentication: Authentication) :
    PaymentMethod(paymentGateway, authentication) {
    // PayPal-specific implementation

In this example, each payment method class (CreditCard and PayPal) is composed of separate components (PaymentGateway and Authentication). This allows us to test the behavior of each component in isolation, ensuring that they function correctly.

Conclusion: Composition over inheritance is a powerful design principle that promotes flexibility, extensibility, reduced complexity, improved readability, and better testability in Android Kotlin development. By favoring composition, developers can create code that is modular, maintainable, and adaptable to changing requirements. While inheritance has its place in certain scenarios, understanding when to use composition can greatly enhance the quality and maintainability of your Android Kotlin applications. So, embrace composition and unlock the full potential of your Android apps. Happy coding!